
The sun is out. The sky has cleared. It is time to go for a walk. Let's go walk, Garret, I say to him. He quickly comes to me and we go out the gate. He smiles as he holds my arm. The wind is soothing. Everything is quiet. The sun is beautiful like a shy orb getting ready to descend to her resting place.

Do I pause in my tracks and take a photo? I decide not to. How about if I just soak it all in, commit everything to memory?

Presence. My little boy's hand on my arm. The priceless smile on his face. His gentle singing. The birds singing with him.

Presence. The moon appearing early. Our footsteps on the asphalt. The wind on our cheeks. A cow mooing nearby. Look, Garret, "Cow." He replies crisp and clear, "Cow."

Presence.  Breathing. Joy on my son's face as he looks at me and says, "Walking." Breathing some more.

Presence. To see and marvel at the curiosity and wonder on my son's face as the sun finally descends to her resting place.

Presence. This moment when all we have is each other, walking arm in arm, each of our step bringing us closer to what it truly means to be happy-- to pay attention and to be thankful. Always.


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