Life, Sense how it lands in your body The pull of gravity on your spine Elongating or contracting Your soles arching then softening on the ground underneath Your shoulders hunching like a protective shield or relaxing back down Arms dangling softly surrendering like leaves Floating in space as it must Hear the sounds falling all around you, then inside you Pleasant singing or an ominous rumbling Listen to each note, flat or sharp singing the song of your heart Taste the nectar of tenderness or biting sourness of pain The pang of hurt without downing liquid to hide its bitter taste Smell the cusp of elation like cinnamon, or peppermint or lavender, or rose, or of the aftermath of disconsolation Like something you would Rather avoid Feel how your pulse quickens Then slows down, Your breath hurried then steady, the pressure in your veins Tightening then calming Life, Let it rise in you Let it all fall Let it settle slowly landing on and in your body Sense everything that enters ...