One Day

One day
It comes--
The truth
You once so feared

Everything becomes clear
Without force or
It just comes

Like the skies
on a summer's day
The sun in noon day

Light bursting
Seeping through
the cracks
A healing balm
on your heart

Like a sudden
Downpour of June
or July
Heaven weeping
Raindrops trickling
Humming a soothing

Water gushing
through and around
the rocks
on the riverbed
Mending your wounds

And even as the rocks
remain solid, unmoving,
the water does not
It travels on

Like the blood in
your veins
Keeping the beast
that's your heart

Water, it goes on
Onto the roaring
beckoning sea
And it comes and goes
The waves
Unrelenting, effortless

The sun, that golden
Orbit of light and
Heat turning water
Into vapor
And vapor into
A tuft of clouds
Until it is full
of itself
and rains down again

Life. Love. Fate.
Curves and rounds
turning blind corners
and confusing forks
Go left? or Right?
Losing and finding
Living and dying
Over and over again

And then one day.
Just one day.
It comes

You standing still
In the shadowed dusk
With all the dustiest corners
of your soul

It comes
As the waves kiss
the shores

Your truth.
Your full circle.
And you find out
It's okay.
You're okay.
Everything is going
to be okay.
Your one day
Has come.

(Photo Credit: Kary Newton Whitaker)


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