Mother's Day Present

Dear Garret, 

On Mother's Day 2007, you were still 2 years old then. It was a quiet day. A lonely one too if I recall correctly. I remember thinking that as a Mother's day gift to myself, I would buy you a set of bible stories. So I would have a chance to teach you some beautiful lessons. Of course at that time, there was already a nagging of sorts in my heart as to why you weren't responding like I expected you to or were supposed to. Your eye contact was fleeting and you didn't like to be touched, just to name a few. But I still continued to read you stories hoping that by simply forign on I can break through your walls. 

Now the rest of this story is history. The years have come and gone. Doctors, teachers and therapists have blessed our life. Now some days you say to me, "Sto-wee." In the early hours of the morning or as we retire to bed at night, you hold my face and look at me with a gaze no longer fleeting but with a sustained look I can only describe as joy, wonderfully accompanied by your happy sound. Oh my dear boy, how far we have come. Though I know how far we still need to go, though our world would still be filled with quiet and lonely days, the nagging in my heart is replaced by something more meaningful-- the quiet truth that you have been brought into my life just the way you are supposed to be, just as the Universe has expected you to be-- beautiful, magnificent, whole. I realize now that the best Mother's day present has already been given by the Universe. Now I only need to give it to myself-- our own story where love prevails and most of all how you make me become a better person everyday. 

I love you and thank you, Garret. 

Love always,

Mama Bea


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