The Ritual of Simple Things

Dear You,

What have you been up to? 

Getting up in the morning
Breathing as I still can
Water from the tap
Bath, Dress, Make-up
 Storytelling, hands in the air
Questions out of nowhere
Thank you's
I want to be like you's
What's the next story?
Can it be later and not next week?
Quiet, calm
Then lunch
My son tells me, "Change."
The younger one holding his cookie
Time to rest
Both of them cover me
with kisses, holding my face
Afternoon rain
Thunder as well
What have I been up to?
Not much.

Dear You,

This is what you have been doing:
Breathing while you can
Telling stories
Writing them too
No matter they are mundane
Do not forget
It is the small,
The everyday acts
the simple ones that
make everything great.

Dear You,

Dear you.


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