My Beginning, Middle and End

My everyday leap of faith
And conquering doubt
My laughing so hard
And crying out loud
My over the hill sorrows
And over the moon joys
My late night prayer
Early morning psalms
And my entire day  of
giving thanks
My road trips of light
And ponderous
Forks in the road
My happy singing,
sunset skies
And beautiful moonrise
My daily dose
Of soul conversations 
and silence 
that speak volumes
My grounding earth
And soaring high
My deep within
And farthest horizon
Perfecting the shape
Of my heart
You, you and you
All three of you,
You are my
"Life is beautiful"
"Life is good"
You are my
Unwavering truth.

My beginning

Oh my boys, my boys
I love you
I love you
I love you.


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