

Closed Mouth Closed Mind Open Palms Open Heart Surgery Without the Surgeon's Fine precision Tools Only Chaos Leaving my Heart in shambles Not enough curse words I whisper Turning down my voice Like the Volume Of a Surround Sound Mute.

Rain and Other Affairs of the Heart

Monsoon June Rain Coats Rain Boots Roof Gutters Drop By single Drop Gush Splash Onto a pool Of earth Stones And mud Ripples Surround That Pin drop Concentric Rounds Bringing Me back to 11 years past When rain was Not rain at all What was it? I forget. Oh yes there it is-- A deep dull ache Tearing at my gut Rain back then Was, oh you know one nonchalant, mere Bleeding of My too brash Brazen, hubristic heart. Why don't you Just stop? I said to this Wretched organ As in stop beating So the pain would Be no more? But it was deaf And stubborn hard-headed And so on it Went beating 60 per minute Sometimes less Sometimes I willed it to be less But still it fought And the rain just Poured Down-poured Torrential Washing away all 20 pounds Of flesh Why couldn't it Wash away my Heart instead? That place That was what The poets were Raving about Th


There was no sun today Nor wind to soothsay Only an ordinary dusk Silent, mute Bland No brilliant sunset skies No blinding light making my amber eyes No, there were no Audacious display of hues All that prevailed was a Distant quiet memory A thousand memories Whose voices are forcibly Silenced Like a heart that's Given up all fragments Of hope And all you can see Is an emotionless Unreadable face A living mantra of Buy peace, choose peace From what seemed like Decades past and yet The sting like that of a fresh Untended wound An unfinished novel That's beating around The damn bush Same old same old Story One satirical tragedy One irrefutable truth Me and well Who else? You.

One Day

One day It comes-- The truth You once so feared Everything becomes clear Without force or friction It just comes Unbidden Like the skies on a summer's day The sun in noon day Height Light bursting Seeping through the cracks A healing balm on your heart Like a sudden Downpour of June or July Heaven weeping Raindrops trickling Humming a soothing tune Water gushing through and around the rocks on the riverbed Mending your wounds And even as the rocks remain solid, unmoving, the water does not It travels on Like the blood in your veins Keeping the beast that's your heart alive Water, it goes on Onto the roaring beckoning sea And it comes and goes The waves Unrelenting, effortless The sun, that golden Orbit of light and Heat turning water Into vapor And vapor into A tuft of clouds Until it is full of itself and rains down again Life. Love. Fate. Curves

The Beautifully Untold

One big universe And here I am One minute insignificant speck of dust One blank canvass A Tabula Rasa The dust grows into a desert storm The canvass is filled The lines come forth Words overflow Brush strokes move across Rising and falling this way and that One unmistakeable image, abstract like these words that reveal nothing and everything Confined in my mind's blind spot, Unseeing, yet all-seeing Hearing acoustic strings being plucked so beautifully by a tone-deaf musician Telling a story Creating a mystery Eternally concealing the protagonists Singing an aria of longing and renouncing Undecipherable The middle of nowhere and everywhere The tug of war transformation of day into night and night into sunrise Forbidden corners emblazoned by light Lighting my frigid night And safe shadows comforting my excruciatingly bright sunlight Life's wondrously bitter ironies Like

The Asking

The heavens are thundering weeping for my eyes that cannot cry The skies are loud Rebuking, remonstrating like cumulonimbus clouds without the silver lining angry for the muted warring voices inside wildly beating drums that is my heart Rain falls trickling down never-ending Sweet relief albeit brief like a hymn the song of the winds that sings, serenades a question whose answer cannot be bestowed upon for now at least cannot be fathomed deciphered unencumbered like the depths of the violin-shaped body of water of Lake Danao And the question? Why this life?


Beethoven's Appassionata Sonata Filling, encompassing the room Overwhelming Commanding , demanding Declaring, imploring Going on and on Do not stop Because if you do It may be the last of you Like reading Coelho's story Page by single page Ravishing, consuming Every subtle nuance of its Devastation and creation All at one time Every second grasped Every minute tightly clasped Every hour shackled To the veins of My heart Like writing verses Formulating lines that Mold the curves of Infinity like the Gold orbit on your index Blinding me, binding You to impossibility Like my life's story Stamped, carved Permanently immortalized In stone Your face is contorted Impassioned Your eyes wild The beads of sweat On your forehead The strength you Muster on those Black and whites With the force of A million universes Expelled merciless The adamant press on Those gold levers That resonates beaut