This Good Life
This Good Life Orioles singing Coo of turtledoves Sweet Guava on my tongue Sugar Apple (Atis) too Mulberries in fruition Morning coffee Gently waking me Dew on grass Cradling my feet Sunlight through trees Words of affirmation: How are you? How is life treating you? I hope things get better for you. Shared stories of enduring Of past hope Now manifesting It’s true what they say We don’t have to solve Our entire lives And things never really Get solved They come together and Unravel, weave and unhinge This is just how it is And these seemingly, miniscule Things are what Carries us through Like remembering To come up for air In the midst of mindless submersing in the chaos of the world Breathing like we’ve never Breathed before And finally knowing in our bones how life is good, and saying, Ah, life is really good.