
Letters to Cabintan: Dear You

Dear Mountains of Cabintan, I have not forgotten you. I find myself returning to the memory of your crisp air, soothing wind, rich earth, frog song, bird hymns. My heart has been racing lately for all the good reasons. A dream has been made into reality. And if there is one thing I've learned from getting lost in the beautiful nooks and crannies and various parts of you, it is that I must resp ect all the trails that have led me to where I am today. I shall return to get lost again in your arms very soon. This amateur explorer, Bea Alto Peak Site D Brgy. Cabintan Ormoc, Leyte


"An enormous landslide on the way to the Alto Peak Campsite due to heavy rains," our guide said. What must it sound like when the ground gave out? The shifting of the earth, the breaking down after years of holding it all in? A climber bemused, "Yep, we do have a lot of baggage." We thought she was referring to her group's bags and supplies. And then she continued with a grin, "Emotional ones. " She sprained her ankle while descending from Lake Janagdan. Her load was too much for her size and yet she endured it until well, her ankle gave in. What loads do we carry when we march on that trail of no return? Why do we march on that trail of no return? And how much of it is ours to carry or do we need to carry, really? Or, do we take on that path so our baggages may be unpacked? So our former selves may be shed off by dust, mud, rain, mist, fog, sun, meager footholds, thin nylon ropes that burn our palms? Or because physical pain is

Letters to Cabintan: Dear 17-Year Old Guide

Dear 17-Year Old Guide, You walked as fast as the staccato beats of Djembe drums. My breath, in hurried gasps, my neurons stimulated to last me a week. Most of all, my heart, oh my heart, you made it bursting with fire and light. You said, "Nag-agad ra man ko ninyo , Ma'am." (I was only relying on your pace.) As much as I was flattered, it was the best this 36-year old body could do. Never mind that I am twice as old as you are. But really this letter is less about me and more about you. You, will go far. Your persistence and the fire inside you will bring you to places many people only dream of. Your light made me arrive at this realization-- That whatever dark place I am in, for as long as I do not stop putting one foot in front of the other, I will get to the other side. Perhaps that is why you and many others we have gotten the privilege of knowing are aptly called "Guides". You lead the way, clear the path as we trek and climb the trails.

Letters to Cabintan: Dear Alto Peak

Dear Alto Peak, We saw you clearly this time from Mt. Aminduen. We also saw your deep valleys, your deep ravines and elegant ridges. Clear as day, we saw you. And you are beautiful. We also heard the wind that is your friend from the Pacific again, though not as loud but still as insistent. Her message crisp, clear saying, "Welcome back, my friend." Love, Bea Photo: Sulfur Rock April 29, 2017 Mount Aminduen Brgy Cabintan Ormoc, Leyte

Things to Bring

Dry bag, water, food. Appropriate hiking gear- long sleeved dri-fit top, trekking pants, trekking shoes, bugspray. Two able feet. Two hands that don't mind getting down and dirty. Eyes that marvel. Lastly, Mindfulness and A sheer spirit of adventure. April 23, 2017 Hot Springs Brgy. Cabintan Ormoc, Leyte


"Unsa na'ng naningog ron?" I asked our guide. (What are those sounds?) "Pakra na Ma'am," he replied.  (Forest Frogs) I thought they were birds. Their croaking was loud it was as if there was a whole orchestra of them. Probably there was indeed a whole orchestra of them. And then slowly the fog descended enveloping the entire lake. A slow dance of white water droplets to the rhythm of "Pakra" sin ging. Here I was all muddied and tired from the climb which they aptly described "assault" all the way up and then the very steep descent with only a nylon rope, muddy and slippery patches of earth as foot holds to hang on to for dear life. Here I was. And then somewhere hidden in the vicinity of the lake were "Pakra" croaking so loudly it sounded like choristers belting. And then the fog appeared slowly, carefully, intimately, quietly. In that moment, somehow I knew, the Universe, in all her ways that are simple

Letters to Cabintan: Red-tailed Dragonfly

Dear Red-tailed Dragonfly, You flitted and flew about. I was poised and ready to capture your beauty but then you refused to appear in my frame. And when I put my phone away, you mischievously appeared. Somehow you told me, just sit and be still. Put that dang thing away. Open your arms, float in the hot tub of sulfur water, close your eyes and know I am here. You are here. Sit, Bea. Be still.  Alright, I will. Love, Me Hot Springs Brgy Cabintan Ormoc, Leyte